First 7 benches (#1 to #7). Morning sessions are 0.22 LR with 60 rounds per rifle (Standard SB Rifle, then Hunter SB Rifle). Sight-in at 9:00 am and matches start at 9:30 am. You are welcome to join us at 8:00 am to help set up targets and ask any questions you may have.
Afternoon sessions are High Power silhouette with 40 rounds per rifle (Standard HP, then Hunter HP). Start at 12:00 pm or as soon as possible. No magnums but 0.223REM will be allowed for practice.
Entry fee is $5.00 per rifle. NRA rules apply. For more information, contact:
Brendan at , or Joel at 778-989-8045
It is recommended that you become a BCTSA member and have a classification booklet. Membership information, classification booklets and additional information is available from George at 604-583-4110.