If you plan on registering onsite bring proof of your BCTSA and SFC membership, your registration forms and EXACT payment, including the late fee (no change will be provided). If shooting AIR you will be required to attend for the 7:30 AM registration and receive your relay assignment. NO EXCEPTIONS! Onsite registration is not guaranteed and will be subject to availability.
The 2022 BC Provincials will be held in Kamloops, BC. You are strongly encouraged to register online. If you wish to register by mail you can find the forms at the links below.
2022 Provincials-Reg-Rifle - version 2.pdf
2022 Provincials-Reg-Pistol - version 2.pdf
2022 Provincials-Info-Pistol - version 2 (1).pdf
2022 Provincials-Info-Rifle -version 2 (1).pdf
Outdoor Ranges.pdf
Mall Location (1).pdf
Sahali Mall (1).pdf
See you in Kamloops!